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Recycling Solutions 

Recyclability is a key criterion for a sustainable product. Developing smart end-of-life solutions helps make end products fully recyclable, which closes the loop. For packaging and labels applications, we have developed several solutions that improve or enable recycling, establishing product-specific recycling loops.

Benefits of recycling

  • Keep valuable resources in the material cycle
  • Replace or complement fossil feedstock in production
  • Gain new environmentally-conscious customers

Unlocking the full potential of recycling with adhesives 

Eventually, the useful life of even the best plastic tray or paperboard label comes to an end. They are disposed of after use or consumption of the goods. Our adhesive raw materials give products recycling properties and biodegradability to impress customers with a sustainable ending for the products they use. 


To explore specific solutions for your products, please get in touch with your BASF account manager.

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