
Switching to renewable energy

Replacing fossil energy with energy from renewable sources is an important element of achieving our goals for climate protection. It will play a significant role in reducing BASF’s future emissions and help customers of our dispersions and construction additives enhance their sustainability performance.

Benefits of renewable energy  

  • Reduce CO2 emissions by replacing fossil fuels 
  • Reduce Product Carbon Footprint 
  • Enable more sustainable product solutions
Aerial view of solar farm, with solar panel rows running diagonally from the lower left to the upper right of the image. The text on top of the image says "Impact for reaching net zero 2050".
Der Offshore-Windpark Hollandse Kust Zuid, der sich im Besitz von Vattenfall, BASF und Allianz befindet, liegt in der Nordsee, 18-36 Kilometer vor der niederländischen Küste zwischen den Städten Scheveningen und Zandvoort. Die 139 Turbinen haben eine Gesamtkapazität von 1,5 GW und machen ihn zu einem der größten Offshore-Windparks der Welt. 2024 soll der Windpark vollständig in Betrieb sein. BASF wird etwa die Hälfte des erzeugten Stroms für die Versorgung mehrerer Produktionsstandorte in Europa nutzen, das sind etwa 3 Terawattstunden pro Jahr.

On a global level, BASF aims to source more than 60% of its power needs from renewable sources by 2030. That means investing in our own renewable power assets and purchasing green power from third parties to enable more sustainable coatings, adhesives, and construction and fiber-bonding materials.

Renewable power projects 

Our renewable power projects include working with our partners Vattenfall and Allianz to build the biggest offshore windfarm in the world and, solar power plants such as the one at our Schwarzheide site in Germany. 

Switching our production to green energy  

For our dispersions and construction additives, we are well on our way to switching the production sites to renewable energy. In Hamina (Finland), Trostberg (Germany), and Heerenveen (Netherlands), the switch is already complete, and we rely exclusively on green power. For products manufactured in Ludwigshafen, renewable energy can be chosen at a customer’s request. More production sites will follow. 

More about renewable energy in our industries

Biomass Balance Solutions for Architectural Coatings and Construction
Our biomass balance solutions help reduce the carbon footprint of your products, giving you the opportunity to create additional value for your customers. Discover how our partners Barbot, San Marco and Uzin Utz made biomass balance a success.
Woman spreading her arms in the forest back view: balance, spirituality and nature concept; Shutterstock ID 774241555; purchase_order: 20220801; job: Präsentation; client:  BASF SE, ED/KL - H201, Marie Schütz; other: BASF SE, GBH/IM - D211, Matthias Baque
Sustainability meets Paper Coating
Creating chemistry for a sustainable future: That is how we have summarized BASF’s contribution in our corporate purpose. BASF makes products that create value for our customers and the environment.


Results: 2

BASF joins cepi

Read the joint interview between Jori Ringman, Cepi Director General &  Prof. Dr. Thomas Schiele, Vice President Business Management Adhesives, Fiber Bonding and Paper Coating Chemicals EMEA.

Uzin Utz and BASF cooperate on climate protection

The Uzin Utz Group and BASF SE collaborate with the goal of saving CO2. BASF's biomass balance approach drives climate protection and sustainability. Uzin Utz purchases renewable raw materials from BASF to support this approach.
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