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Non-shrink grouts (NSG)

Non-shrink grouts are used to fill gaps, voids, and anchoring applications. Unlike traditional cement-based grouts, non-shrink grouts are specifically formulated to minimize volume change during the curing process, ensuring that they do not shrink or crack as they harden.

Special grouts for wind turbines

Non-shrink grouts are typically composed of a blend of cement, fine aggregates, BASF additives and water. The materials work together to create a stable and dense mixture that can be easily poured or pumped into the desired area. 

Non-shrink grouts are commonly used in structural applications where load transfer, stability, and durability are critical. Wind turbine grouts are a good example.

Non-shrink grout

Some key characteristics and features of non-shrink grouts include: 

  • Stability
  • High strength
  • Flowability
  • Chemical resistance
  • Fast setting 

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