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Battery Binders for Electric Vehicles 

Manufacturers of batteries for electric vehicles (EV) face challenges when improving energy density for a longer driving range and reducing production costs to make EVs more affordable. Both challenges require advancements in raw materials for the battery value chain.  

Driving the transition to e-mobility 

BASF can help meet these challenges with our dispersion expertise through the development of advanced anode binders that optimize overall battery performance and provide cost-effective and more-sustainable solutions for battery manufacturing. By offering distinct battery binders, BASF aims to drive the mass adoption of EVs and support the transition to e-mobility. This development is particularly relevant for the battery industry, including lithium battery manufacturers, because it offers improved battery materials for more-efficient and higher-performing EV batteries. 


Improving charge capacity 

BASF has developed a binder series for anodes in lithium-ion batteries, which addresses the need for technical improvements in charge capacity. These battery binders play a crucial role in enhancing the performance and energy density of lithium-ion batteries, helping advance battery technology for EVs.  Explore our product portfolio of battery binders for high-performing lithium-ion anodes! 

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