
Efka® PU 4063


Efka® PU 4063 is a dispersing additive for organic and inorganic pigments in high-quality solvent-based pigment pastes. Efka® PU 4063 reduces the dispersing time and the mill base viscosity and thus facilitates the formulation of highly concentrated pigment pastes. After the pigment paste has been blended into paint, Efka® PU 4063 prevents flooding and floating of pigments and promotes excellent gloss and high color intensity. Efka® PU 4063 is readily compatible with a wide range of binder types. Pigment pastes based on Efka® PU 4063 can therefore be used in 2-component polyurethane paints, 2 - component epoxy paints, unsaturated polyester, stoving paints and air-drying paints.


  • Generates high color strenght
  • Reduces diseprsing time
  • Excellent for co-grinding
  • Improved gloss
  • Prevents flooding and flotation
  • Reduces dispersing time
  • Prevents flooding and flotation
  • Excellent for co-grinding
  • Improved gloss
  • Generates high color strength
  • Reduces dispersing time
  • Generates high color strength
  • Excellent for co-grinding
  • Improved gloss
  • Prevents flooding and flotation
  • Reduced dispersing time
  • Higher color strength
  • Improved gloss
  • Prevention of flooding and floating

Product Groups

Additives (1)

  • Dispersing Agents / High-Molecular Weight

Additives (1)

  • Dispersing Agents / High-molecular Weight