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Wood and House coatings

Wood has accompanied humankind for thousands of years and is perhaps now more topical than ever. Wood conveys security and naturalness. It unites the traditional and the modern in architecture. 

However, wood also places the highest demands on processing and finishing. Because it is a living material, it must be protected and cared for so that it can unfold its full beauty. Various challenges arise for manufacturers in the wood and trim paint industry.

Workers pouring concrete with a cement mixer truck

Coatings must:

  • Provide effective protection against weathering, UV radiation, and moisture.
  • Enhance the aesthetic appeal of wood surfaces and adhere well to various types of wood and trim materials.
  • Comply with strict environmental regulations. 
  • Be sustainable and keep up with changing consumer preferences and application methods.

Explore our solutions for wood and house coatings!

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